Born June 12th, 1941, Ron Singer holds a B.A. in English from Union College and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. From 1964-2008, Singer was a teacher and sometimes-writer. Since then, he has been a full-time writer. Singer trawls the genres: poetry (including librettos), prose fiction, and non-fiction. Among the publications in which his work has appeared are The Brooklyn Rail, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Evergreen Review, The Georgia Review, Grey Sparrow, Poets & Writers, and The Wall Street Journal. Singer’s writing has been anthologized, set to music, and nominated for four Pushcart Prizes. His eighth book, Uhuru Revisited: Interviews with Pro-Democracy Leaders (Africa World Press/Red Sea Press, 2015), is currently available in about 100 libraries across the U.S., and beyond. His ninth, Betty and Estelle (Akorin Books, 2016), is a sequel to his first, A Voice for My Grandmother (Ten Penny Players/Bard Press Chapbooks, 2006-2007). Singer’s eleventh and twelfth books are scheduled for publication by Unsolicited Press in 2019 & 2020.
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